The Federation of Business and Professional Women of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen
The establishment of BPW Thailand was led by Thanpuying
Somsri Charoenrajapark who initiated the BPW Bangkok in
the year 1964, followed by BPW Chiang Mai and then Songkhla
respectively. With the completed formation of the three
organizations in 1973, The Federation of Business and
Professional Women’s Association of Thailand became a member
of the International Federation of Business and Professional
Women in 1976 and in 1981 received her majesty the
Queen’s gracious kindness support, thus it became “The
Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Association
of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the
The Federation of Business and Professional Women of
Thailand (BPW Thailand) is a member of the International
Federation of Business and Professional Women
(BPW International). With affiliates in 100 countries worldwide,
BPW International has become one of the most influential
international networks of business and professional women.
The Names of Presidents:
2014 – present: Khunying Natthika Wattanavekin Angubolkul
2011 – 2014: Ms. Panida Chobvanicha
2008 – 2011: Ms. Pornsiri Dirabhatana
2002 – 2005 and 2005 – 2008: Ms. Maleeratna Plumchitchom
1999 – 2002: Ms.Lalida Chandraprasert
1995 – 1999: Ms. Sasithorn Hirunburana
1991 – 1993 and 1993 – 1995: Ms. Chansamorn Wattanavekin
1987 -1989 and 1989 – 1991: M.R.Waranaporn Sukhanetr
1985 – 1987: M.s. Chansamorn Wattanavekin
1983 – 1985: Thanpuying Chanut Piyaoui
1981 – 1983: Thanpuying Somsri Charoenrajapark
1979 – 1981: Khunying Supatra Singhulaka
1976 – 1979: Thanpuying Somsri Charoenrajapark