Outstanding Women Leaders for Green Growth Award

    Climate change is one of the key influences that affects global well-being.  Thailand has experienced the climate change impacts in the past decades, such as increasing temperature, elevated sea level, difficulties to accurately forecast the weather and agricultural production, more frequent and longer off-seasoned rainstorm, floods as well as draughts.  These natural disasters have increasingly impacted and damaged all aspects of national security.   Climate change might be too large to stop, but its impact can be strategically minimized.  Therefore, Thai people must be aware of their actions that contribute to climate change and promote strategies to sustainable development and environmental resource conservation to reduce the impact from climate change.


    Green Growth

    Green Growth is the effort to promote environmentally-friendly economic activities to drive sustainable economic well-being.

    Examples include businesses that reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emission; increase efficiency of natural resource consumption; and, safeguard endangered species, rare resources and natural diversity.

    Green Growth Strategies

    The term “Green Growth Strategies” refers to business development approach that are strategically designed to integrate environmental-friendly concept.  It ensures that the business continues to grow with profits while contributes to environmental conservation.

    Important opportunities for women

    Green Growth Strategies will elevate the well-being of women and offer the opportunities to enhance women who adopt the roles as leaders, workers or community members.  Promoting women’s well-being is a key factor that creates change from the foundation of social institution.

    How important ...

    The Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Association of Thailand under the Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen (FBPW), a non-profit organization that is dedicated to promote and develop potentials of professional women in Thailand, is aware of the roles of women in environmentally-friendly business development.  In 2014, with technical support from United States Agency for International Development (USAID), BPW initiated the first award “The Best Outstanding Women Leaders for Green Growth Award”   The following years, the effort grew as FBPW worked in alliance with USAID, Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.  In 2016, the Award adopted a new title “Outstanding Women Leaders for Green Growth Award” and offered 10 awards to women leaders in private sector and community.  Awardees had to demonstrate that they adapted the Green Growth Strategies to their organizations, dividing by organization sizes of large, medium and small.  This award not only recognizes the efforts of visionary women entrepreneur, it also inspires other women leaders to integrate the concept of Green Growth Strategies and environmental conservation to their organizations.

    1. To elevate the active participation in environmental conservation in private sector overall;
    2. To urge women entrepreneur to develop environmentally-friendly business;
    3. To recognize the successful efforts of women entrepreneur in environmentally-friendly business or community;
    4. To identify environmentally-friendly strategies that can be adopted and applied to other businesses.
    Qualifications of Nominees

    1. Women entrepreneurs, business owner, or executive of private sector, of large, medium and small size, or leaders of business group or local community in Thailand who

    • Apply Green Growth Strategies
    • Invest and conduct activities for environment
    • Support workers or community members on environmental conservation efforts
    • Manage the business no less than 3 years
    • Carry out environmentally-friendly activities for no less than 3 years
    • Assess the success on business and the impact on community, environment and society

    2. In case the nominee is a company executive, the business will be categorized by sizes:
    • Large (more than 500 employees)
    • Medium (200-499 employees)
    • Small (50-199 employees)
    3. In case the nominee is a leader of business group or community, the community must be no less than 10 members.

    Award Criteria:
    • The Award Committee will assess the qualification of nominee as follows:
      • Her leadership that demonstrates commitment, innovation and environmentally-friendly business strategies.
      • Her participation in the environmentally-friendly activities of the organization or community.
      • Benefit that the members of organization or community received from her efforts on environmental conservation and reducing global warming.

    Our Outstanding Activities